Roxana Elisabeth Perugachi Farinango
Compassionate. An Incredible Friend.
A Leader.
These are just some of the characteristics Roxana’s peers shared when we asked about their friend, Roxana. Roxana, a 16 year old, is in her second year of the Center’s 3-year accredited High School Program. She has decided to follow the general studies route instead of technical education because she would like to pursue education as a profession:
“After graduation, I plan on working so that I can attend university.
As a profession, I want to be a teacher. I have been at the Center for practically my entire life
and I have had the best experiences with teachers and volunteers here.
Everyone really cares about one another and my teachers have always gone above and beyond
to help support us on our education and growth.”
As the middle child in the line of 10 siblings, Roxana has had a lot of practice in taking care of her siblings. She lends a helping hand with homework, class projects, and showing them the ropes at the Center, “I have been a member of the Center for as long as I can remember. This place has taught me the importance of family, of education, and what it means to be a person of faith.”
Currently, Roxana, her older brother, Jorge Raúl (17 years old), and their 5 younger siblings are currently studying at the Center: Judith María (13 years old), Cristofer Josué (11 years old), Marjorie Mishell (8 years old), Micaela Jazmín (7 years old), and Dámaris Jamile (3 years old). Their 3 oldest siblings studied at the Center and have “graduated,” but they always come back to visit with their brothers and sisters and participate in entrepreneurial workshops!
The Perugachi Farinango family has been Center members for 14 years! Their continued participation and involvement have helped many new families learn about the Center and they continue to provide support and guidance through these incredibly difficult times of COVID-19.
From left to right, first row: María Farinango (mother), Judith, Raúl Jr., Roxana, Raúl Sr. (father - passed away in July 2021)
From left to right, second row: Marjorie, Cristopher, Mikaela & Damaris
“Life at the Center” According to Roxana:
What do you like about the Center?
I love the classes! To be able to work with my friends and grow together has been an incredible experience. I really miss everyone and I’m hopeful we will have in-person classes again, soon!
Which Center programs have helped you and your family the most?
I would have to say the family sessions for parents – even adults have the capacity and the need to learn new things, too.
Who do you want to be?
As a person, I want to be someone who helps lift other people up, especially when they are feeling down. I want to be a person who helps cultivate different thought processes and understandings and help expand the minds of others.
What lesson(s) have you learned during your time at the Center?
That’s a tough question…but I think if I had to choose one lesson, it would be that effort and work are words that all human beings should pay close attention to. No matter your situation, if you keep the faith and put your mind and actions to your goals, a different story could play out.