the Center - a family of families in quito, ecuador.

empowering families to break the cycle of generational poverty.

The Center – A Family of Families was founded in 1964 with the objective of creating, developing, and strengthening personal and familial values through its comprehensive educational, spiritual, skills & trades-based programming and health services.

The Center addresses the needs of its community and finds a way to sustainably meet those needs so that they may be empowered to leave the cycle of poverty.

This integral family support is shown in our institutional values: love, teamwork, loyalty, honesty, solidarity, spirituality, justice, and dignity.

The Center’s educational program has four levels: day care from ages 1-5, grammar school, high school with technical education as well as adult formation. The grammar and high school curriculum is based on the Multiple Intelligences model, understanding that there is no one way to measure intelligence, but rather various cognitive abilities.

In July 2021, the Center celebrated its first-ever high school graduation. Since then, we have had more than 25 students go on to higher education at both the university-level and continued trade courses. Either path our graduates take, they are going to continue to change our world for the better!

Education is key.

Accessibility & Support

In March 2020, our world changed drastically. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center had to pivot its integral family programming from in-person to mostly virtual services, with increased focus on food security and physical, mental & spiritual health. Although our in-person services returned after two and a half years of unprecedented challenges, the Ecuadorian community is still struggling with the economic devastation the pandemic caused throughout the country.

To help support its community, the Center continues to provide food kits to families in need and has re-implemented the meals program! Breakfast is provided to our youngest members and lunch is available to more than 240 students before they join the afternoon extracurricular activities and clubs.

The Center continues serving its community so that they may be empowered and achieve their personal and familial goals!

There are more than 300 families in the Center’s care.

Since the beginning of its work with the most vulnerable, more than 6,000 families have left the cycle of generational poverty because of the Center’s support.

Creating community is the cornerstone of our work & Padre Juan’s vision lives on because of our integral family care and services.

Together, we are a “Family of Families!”

family matters.

Quito, Ecuador.

With your support, we can continue the center’s mission!


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